Monday, January 11, 2010

Water - The drink of choice

Funny how we need to be reminded of some of the most basic healthy ways to save money. We are so consumed by a materialistic world that sometimes we forget that we only NEED the basics. Food, shelter, heat, water......

Making water the standard drink around my home has not only saved me money on juice, soda pop, lemonaide, tea, and milk but it also is making us healthier.

I am NOT talking about buying a bunch of bottled water (that does not save any money). I am saying drink tap water. Pick yourself up off the floor and go get you a pitcher and fill it with plain ol'water and stick it in the fridge.

It took about a week for my kids to get used to it but just last night Hannah came to me and asked for a drink of water...then Will woke up late last night and instead of saying "I need just a wittle bit of chocolate milk" he said "I need just a wittle bit of water"....

I was so proud.

We bought each of the family members a reusable water bottle. I try to always remember (they remind me) to fill it up each night so they have a cold bottle of water in the fridge during the next day. If they need a drink, they help themselves.

The way that I rationed the milk/juice/soda...ect is that my kids get a glass of milk when they wake up and when they go to bed. They can have juice with lunch and then a couple of meals a week I will provide a 2-liter for a treat.

Such simple things make such a HUGE difference.
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1 comment:

Living the Good Life said...

Wish it were the drink of choice around here!!!! O.J. is scoring big points right now!!!! At least it is not cokes!!!!! :)

Love all the tips!