Monday, January 26, 2009

Self Discovery

At some point today between.....

....................breastfeeding.................homeschooling............changing some cloth diapers....................wearing my 5-month old in a sling........................reading recipes on making your own baby food.......and sleeping with 4 of my children *my husband was in there too, somewhere)...........

.....................................................I came to the realization

I am a hippie A.K.A - a Crunchy mom (see definition to follow)
Here are a list of qualifications for "crunchiness""
extended breastfeeding (beyond a year) (working on it)
cloth diapers (trying it)
homeschooling (working towards it)
drug-free births (probably wont do it - but never say never)
baby wearing (do it)
adoptive breastfeeding (would totally do it)
co-sleeping or family beds (do it)
full-time parenting (do it)
Now according to the definition I found, you can deem yourself semi-crunchy, full crunchy, or not crunchy at all......................
. Feel free to comment and tell the world your crunch factor!


Mrs. Deering said...

Have you read "Crunchy Cons" by Rod Dreher?

I have a feeling you'd like it. :)

It's an awesome book.

Mother of 5 Smooth Stones said...

I am a mega crunchy then I guess. I did it all except adoptive breastfeeding, and I would have done that had I had a chance.

Thanks for the smiles@

The Etier-Smith Hizzouse said...

I think my crunchiness changes from day to day!!! By the way, I made all of Cooper's baby food and LOVED doing it! There are some great resources out there on the web...I'm sure you've found them by now, but if not, let me know....

jennyandcompany said...

yay, you have arrived! I knew you had it in you ;)

for super-crunchiness you can't vaccinate or circumsize your babies, so I won't get that far.

extended rear-facing and extended harnessing are also up there on the list with us crunchies.

Mother of 5 Smooth Stones said...

With my 3rd child, I went through a no vaccination stage. Turned out to be a blessing because she had a seizure disorder that manifested itself at 16 months of age. I think I learned from that that God can even take our misguided efforts if our hearts are pure and make something good out of it. Or maybe, He was leading me through that stage with her because He knows all things! One of the two. She is the only one I went through it with and she is the only one of the 5 who benefitted. She had her immunizations later, minus the Pertussis.