Having decided to breastfeed my babies as long as I was able, I planned for the day when one of the two older "babies" would ask me to try the milk. I have read about this happening in books and I just knew one of them would want to nurse. William and Hannah both were intrigued by the sight of the baby constantly attached to one of moms boobs. Then one day Hannah came into my room and sat down on the bed with me and look at the baby who was nursing. She then looked up at me, down at the baby, and then back up at me. Very sweetly she said "Mom, why does the baby like breast milk?" "Well Hannah, breastmilk is best for the baby and it is important for him drink it while he is a baby."Hannah thought for a minute and finally asked the long awaited question "Can I have a drink?"BOOM there it is, me in all my infinite wisdom was smart to be prepared and "role play" this senario in my head a million time previously. I looked at Hannah very calmly and asked, "You would like a drink of breastmilk?"Hannah then looked at me with a shocking disgust and answered......."No, of juice!"
Kayla Brazzel
OH MY GOSH! That is the cutest thing I've ever heard... she is absolutely adorable!
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