Thursday, January 20, 2011

Honour Him, Both to Great and Small

When Ahasuerus, King of Persia, banished Queen Vashti from her position as Queen, he sent out a decree that all wives should honour their husbands both to great and to small. I knew when I read this verse this morning that it was meant for me.

I love my husband. I tell him I love him and I tell him I appreciate how hard he works for our family. But, do I honour him in the small things?

There are things that I know are important to him that are not important to me. Shouldn't those small tasks be at the top of my to-do list?

He prefers his scrubs folded but I insist on hanging them so there are less wrinkles. Am I serving him in the way he has asked? or am I doing what I feel is BEST for him?

Who am I to truly tell him what is best for him. I am his helpmeet. I am here to fullfill his vision for our family.

Our house can be a mess but if a few little areas are clean then the whole house seems clean to him. Should not those areas be my priority? Every day?

A few years ago God brought my to my attention, the order of a home. Man is the head of the home. Since that time I have sincerely tried to humble myself totally and allow him to make all major decisions. For a while I was also honouring him in the small. These past 6 months I have not been so attentive. I have used my pregnancy as an excuse to my moodiness and lack of consideration. From this day on I want to die out to the moody pregnant me and allow God to love my husband through me again. I am so thankful that my husband is a man that loves to have children! What a rare trait in this day and time. I best not forget that!

Today I am going to fold his scrubs and prepare my home for his arrival this evening.

With love in Jesus Name,



Living the Good Life said...

Hey, I got a blog award the other day and wanted to give you one in, too. Just follow the link to my blog and it gives you all the instructions on how to accept. Love reading your blog!


Jennifer said...

Loooove this post. I need to do better myself...