Wednesday, December 29, 2010


This Christmas we took the money we normally spend on tons of toys and put it together with money from my mom & grandaddy, and my aunt & uncle from FLorida, and are building a treehouse.

The actual floor plan came from the video Measure Twice, Cut Once. This video is well worth the money!

My oldest two children were incharge of the fire and taking pictures of the project. When I uploaded the pictures this morning....there were 65 pictures of the fire they were building...and one picture of the treehouse!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Planning next Christmas

There is no better time to think about the things you would like to change about your Christmas celebrating than right after Christmas.

I am making a list of who I am going to buy for, who I am going to make something for and what traditions I want to implement or cut out.

Ofcourse I want to buy 1-2 gifts per child. This past year we cut the amount of money we spent by 75% per child. We spent about $40-$50 where as we normally spend $200. Next year we are definately going to keep this change. It was simpler and way less stressful.

Each child was able to buy a $10 gift for each of their siblings.

A family present was given from my mom & dad, aunt & uncle, and from Daddy & I. This year we gave them a tree house. Next year we will focus on a family gift as well.

I do want to give each of the ladies in my family a handmade craft next year. I will make a list of all the ladies and begin making these in June. This year I totally missed this part of gift giving. I was so concerned about the drop in funds for Christmas, I forgot to give to these important women in my life.

I will also plan a special garden for growing foods to make different preserves for gifts. My plan was to have a small basket for each family containing blueberry jam, pepper jelly, dehydrated blueberries, basil vinegarette, ect. I really only canned enough for our family to make it through until next season. Therefore, the baskets did not make it together.

As far as traditions, I am keeping the breakfast foods that I have been making the past few years. Honey Bun Cake, Monkey Bread, two quiche, and kolaches. I also implemented breakfast punch this year and will keep that tradition.

GO ahead and make a list of any last minute trips you had to make to the store so you are sure not to forget these items next year. Also take note of anything that you wish you would have had (cooking utensil, serving plate) and try to add those affordably throughout this next year.